Teen leaders plan to distribute posters to shops, restaurants, schools, churches, synagogues and businesses to help spread the word. The Oklahoma Highway Safety Office and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation are funding the PSA’s on TV and radio.
We are consistent in our messaging to help save lives in our state: “U Drive. U Text. U Pay.”
This 30-second PSA from NHTSA is powerful. Check it out: “U Drive. U Text. U Pay.”
]]>Two GentXt teen leaders are joining 62 other teens from across the country at the National Teen Safe Driving Summit in Washington D.C. from October 17th – 20th. The event is hosted by NOYS (National Organizations for Youth Safety) and has a record number of high school students attending this year. The teens will meet with researchers, victims advocates and industry leaders about what they can do to help save lives from preventable car crashes. These crashes are the number one cause of death in American teens. Emma and James will work with other GentXt leaders to help make a difference in their own community throughout the school year.
]]>Enter either a photo or a video showing how your high school raises awareness for ‘Drive 2N2′ between October 12-25, 2015, for a chance to win a $100,000 grant and an Echosmith concert for your high school.
‘Drive 2N2′ is a reminder to keep both eyes on the road and both hands on the steering wheel. Of course, your mind always needs to be engaged in the job of driving too!
Want to learn more? Click here: Celebrate My Drive
Education + Enforcement = Lives Saved
]]>If you do not text and drive, good! If you are tempted to do this dangerous act, think twice! Have a passenger be your ”designated texter” or pull over to a safe spot and then use your phone to text, read email or post on social media.
One of Generation tXt’s motto’s is “it’s not OK to text & drive” and as of November 1, 2015, the law is behind us.
]]>Representatives voted to accept the Senate’s primary amendment to House Bill 1965! Now the bill goes to the Governor!
After the vote, teen leaders were happy to meet with former Representative Danny Morgan, Rep. Jeannie McDaniel, Rep. Terry O’Donnell (author of HB1965) and Senator Ervin Yen.
]]>State Farm included GentXt teens at a legislative breakfast and safe driving event at the OSU-OKC Precision Driving School. Instructors taught teens proper steering techniques and how to handle a car in scary situations. Every second counts!
]]>Thank you to Sperry High School administrators, teachers, Student Council and the rest of the 350 high school students!
]]>The City of Tulsa and teen leader, Julianne, are doing their part to help save lives on the roadway.
]]>With tests, graduation and summer approaching – what is your safe-driving strategy?