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Generation tXt hosted it’s first city wide annual event on April 9, 2011. 151 local teens participated in the event which included 9 different booths where the activities were geared toward the dangers of texting while driving or distracted driving in general. Win It! games were played throughout the event. Grand prizes inclued an Apple iPad donated by parents and a ‘Townie’ bicycle donated by Lee’s Bicycle Shop. Other prizes included Starbucks and QuikTrip gift cards.
The Distract-a-Match Game (photo left) demonstrates to teens how distracted driving impacts reaction time and judgement.
The Tulsa Police Explorers set up a driving range (photo right) and supplied teen participants with ‘drunk vision goggles’ to wear while trying to navigate the golf cart through a narrow cone trail. In addition to the booths, several Minute to
Win It! Statistics:
Of the 151 participants:
- 78% had either a driver’s permit or driver’s license.
- 91% said they had been a passenger in a car while the driver was texting.
- 69% said thay had been put in danger by a driving using a cell phone.
- 99% send text messages.
- 100% send texts everyday with the average number of text per day being 100 which is approximately 3000 texts per month.
This was the maiden voyage for Generation tXt’s driving simulator and it was a huge success. 95 teens participated – 6 teens drove while 89 teens in the audience participated with score cards tallying mistakes made by the drivers while distracted.
Post Simulator Survey Stats:
- 91.6% agreed that the simulator showed that it is too hard to text while driving.
- 70.5% said that even after become a more experienced driver, they will still not be able to text while driving.
- 74.7% say that the simulator convinced them to NEVER text while driving.
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